“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.”
II Corinthians 9:7 – 8
The United Church of Christ in North Hampton offers ministry in the community and the world because of the incredible gifts of members and friends. Many gifts of time, skill, and financial resources contribute to the ministries and missions of the church.
click here or on the images below to go to our secure giving page
Light of Love
Pay here to light up the steeple with love for the week that you've signed up for at Signup Genius. (required) Thank you!
Hosting Coffee Hour after worship is a great way to give back to the fellowship and church community! It's simple, and it's FUN! Register to Host on a day that works for you!
If you would like to give financially to the food pantry, please click the above image. Canned and Dried Foods are also much appreciated. Drop food items in the trunk in the hall outside the office door.
Memorial Donations
When a beloved one dies, families and friends are given the opportunity to remember their loved one through memorial gifts. The United Church of Christ in North Hampton has been blessed to receive gifts in memory of members, friends and the North Hampton community on numerous occasions. We count this as a profound gift and an honoring of the life and individual ministries of those who have died.
Families are encouraged to speak to the pastor about the best use of memorial gifts. Some will choose a mission or ministry near and dear to the heart of their loved one. Some of these opportunities (while they are not the only possibilities) include: the music program of the church, the Seacoast Family Promise Network, Trust Fund, the Capital improvements fund, or the operating budget of the church.
Got a smart phone? Don't know how to use the Vanco App? It's super handy, now more than ever! You can make your donations to NHUCC, you can pay for Altar Flowers, Light of Love, etc, and you can even CHAT with other church members who have entered their profiles! You can use it as a church directory once more members participate. Check out this simple to follow tutorial video.
Click here or the image below to download the Vanco Mobile App