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Worship with us Sunday mornings at 10am!

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We look forward to you worshiping with us!  We pray that your time at the United Church of Christ in North Hampton will offer a glimpse of the deep and joyful life that we share because we gather in Christ's presence.


Do know that we, as a church, are available to you and welcome you wherever you are on the spiritual journey.  I look forward to meeting you some day and getting to know you in the days following should this be a season in which we journey together.


Worship at UCC, North Hampton follows in the Congregational tradition; however, we strive to create worship that speaks to today and our contemporary spiritual longings as well as to our heritage.  In this effort, we draw upon music of many eras and styles, singing contemporary as well as ancient hymns.  We engage in prayer and reflection that explores scripture in its historic context while connecting it to the every day.


frequently asked question


Worshipping Together Brochure pdf


previously recorded worship services

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In life, there are moments that should be marked by the Spirit.  The birth of a child, the beginning of a faith journey, the joining in loving partnership, the blessing of the human spirit to God; each  holds a holiness of its own.  At the united Church of Christ in North Hampton, we honor and celebrate the Spirit in the life journey by celebrating these moments in community.  Please know that if you desire to be baptized, to have your child baptized, to be married with the blessing of the church, or to remember and honor a beloved one in their death, the church would be honored to celebrate with you.  Baptisms, Holy Unions (weddings) and Memorial Services are the most common life celebrations that are experienced in the church.  



"Baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God” (UCC Book of Worship). In the United Church of Christ, baptism is understood as a sign of welcome, blessing, and promise (covenant) making within the life of community. As such, baptisms most often take place within the regular worship service. For adults and children of consenting age, the covenantal promises that are made in a baptismal ceremony are between the person and God, and between the congregation as a supportive community of faith and the person. For infants and young children, the promises are made between the parents and sponsors, also called God-parents, and the child; and between the congregation and the child.


If you would like to profess your faith and be welcomed into the life of Christian community, or if you desire to baptize your child at UCC, North Hampton, please speak to the pastor, who would be happy to talk with you about Christian baptism and life together in Christian community.

Celebrations of life (memorial service)


When a beloved one dies, whether it be a sudden unexpected death, or a lengthy illness that leads to death, the grief and sorrow that accompany can be so difficult.  The United Church of Christ in North Hampton desires to be a community in which the lives of the saints might be honored and released to the loving care of God.


When a loved one dies, the pastor is available to families in grief. He is honored to meet with families to pray and plan Memorial Services, Celebrations of Life, and Graveside Committal Ceremonies. Most often, funeral homes will contact the church and communicate on behalf of a family who has lost a loved one about the details of a service or ceremony. The pastor then contacts the family to meet, pray, and plan. 


View Brochure Here

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Holy Unions

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Like baptisms, Holy Unions are a ceremony of spiritual promise (covenant) making. Couples who would like to be married in the church are invited to meet with the pastor to plan and prepare for a wedding celebration as well as for married life. If you are interested in being married within the church or by the pastor in an outdoor setting, please contact the office so that our Holy Union/Wedding packet may be shared with you.


The Sanctuary, at North Hill Parish, can accommodate up to 250 guests.


Holy Union Brochure




In addition to annual gifts which support the overall mission, ministry, and operating budget of the church, life celebrations such as baptisms, holy unions, and vow renewal ceremonies are occasions when people often share with the congregation.  Couples and families may speak to the pastor about the best use for celebratory gifts.   Give a memorial gift here.

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