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About Our Church
welcome brochure pdf

North Hill Parish


​Following in our congregation’s history and tradition that dates back to 1738, in North Hampton, we celebrate the presence of God through worship services each Sunday morning at 10am at 295 Atlantic Avenue.  We welcome all to worship honoring the words of the UCC’s Still Speaking Initiative, “no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” Worship feel during the program year is traditional in many ways; however, our longstanding presence in this place has not made our worship stale or the Gospel message out of touch. We seek to share meaningful prayers of the church, wider community, and world, uplifting music, and scriptural reflections that speak to biblical and contemporary contexts. 





















North Hill Parish

295 Atlantic Avenue

North Hampton, NH  03862



What we Believe

We, the United Church of Christ in North Hampton, embrace a diverse and inclusive congregation.  As followers of Jesus Christ, we declare:


We welcome persons of every race, language, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity or expression, physical or mental ability, economic status, spiritual background and religious traditions. 


God's Spirit calls us to lives of inspiration, growth and service.  With the example and teachings of Jesus Christs as our guide, we joyfully affirm and welcome each one in to the full life, ministries and sacraments of this community of faith.


"A New commandment I give you.  Love one another.  As I have loved you, so must you love one another."  John 13:34


We, the United Church of Christ in North Hampton, secure in the understanding that God's love is for everyone, declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation, providing a safe space for each one. 


We advocate for equality and justice for all creation.  No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcomed, valued, accepted, affirmed and loved here!


Adopted May 19, 2024

Little River Chapel


In the New Hampshire Seacoast, summer is a season of rest and renewal, a time of travel for many who come to summer and vacation in our area. We are fortunate that summer worship follows in that character at UCC, North Hampton. July and August, we may hold special services at Little River Chapel on occasion (95 Atlantic Avenue).  We invite you to delight in God’s renewing Spirit by coming to worship in this beautiful and intimate space, a legacy handed down from the Baptist and Christian roots in North Hampton.
















Little River Chapel

95 Atlantic Avenue

North Hampton, NH 03862

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The Serenity Garden

We live in a busy world and it can often be hard to find a place where you can unplug and just be.  The Serenity Garden is such a place.  Located just behind the main church, it is a place where you can come and just be.  Here you will find benches, a table to sit at and beautiful flowers and plants.  It is a place of peace where you can come to pray, have a cup of coffee, read or just be.  The garden was made and is maintained with love and peace in mind, and is available for the community. 


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